Program Overview

icon-rebatesKey goals of the program:

Improving Bone Density: Focused exercises to start the process of improving your bone mineral density.

Enhancing Balance and Stability: Reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Increasing Functional Strength: Elevate your ability to perform daily activities with ease.

Educating on Bone Health: Equip you with the knowledge to manage and maintain low bone density.

Boosting Self-Efficacy: Build your confidence in managing your bone density effectively.


Initial Assessment and Program Coordination: $228

  • 60min with our experienced Exercise Physiologist

6-Week Comprehensive Program: $936

Inclusive of:

  • Supervised exercise sessions
  • Educational workshops
  • Regular consultations with healthcare professionals
  • Program Review and Outcome Measurement


With suitable private health insurance, you may qualify for rebates, particularly for initial and final reviews. However, as the program is individually tailored, its specifics will only be known after your initial assessment, and we can't guarantee rebates. It's safest to assume no rebate is forthcoming.

icon-agreementBeyond the Program

You will be empowered to continue exercising and remain focused on your wellbeing. We will support you in setting up a plan that you feel confident continuing. Your progress and program outcomes will be reported to your treating doctor/practitioner and/or your GP.

Program PDF

Embarking on the Journey

Begin with a comprehensive evaluation by our skilled Exercise Physiologists. They will assess suitability for the program and formulate an individualised plan for you. If the program aligns with your needs, embark on your transformative 6-week journey. Make use of our BJC Connect platform to join the weekly Movement and Diet Management workshops and commit to bi-weekly supervised exercise sessions for 6 weeks. We will help design an exercise program that accommodates your specific needs and lifestyle:

  • Exclusive in-person small group sessions
  • Virtual guided exercise sessions
  • A blend of the above options

At the end of the program, we'll collaboratively determine a plan to maintain your gains and continue with a suitable program.

Unleash Your Potential

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How will success be measured?

Although a 6 week period is too short a timeframe to re-measure your bone density, we monitor your progress using specific validated measures such as the timed up and go, single leg balance and functional reach test.

Is upfront payment required?

Commitment is essential. Paying upfront allows you to fully immerse yourself in the 6-week program and witness significant improvements.

Can I participate virtually?

Yes! While in-person assessments and final reviews provide more detailed insights, our virtual supervised exercise groups and educational workshops ensure excellent results.

What if the program isn't suitable for me?

We'll collaborate to design a plan that resonates with your personal goals. Our dedicated exercise physiologists are here to guide you.

Can I pause the program?

With adequate notice, you can temporarily pause the program for absences of 7 days or more. We understand that life happens, and we'll approach any special circumstances with understanding.

Get Started Now

Fill in your details and one of our team will be in touch!